
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Ethics Handbook Essay Example for Free

moral philosophy Handbook EssayWe chose you as an employee of goernmental party X because we get together you as a valuable person who canister contribute to the identical priority. As a team outgrowth of follow X, are goals are clear. Through public respect, responsiveness, and accountability as our core values, we are able to remain leaders in the industry. The success of our go with is pendent on you, our stakeholders, and our customers. We take great pride in our reputation in the industry and continually oversee ourselves for ways we can improve lineage for our clients, stakeholders, policy hirers, and the general public, both local and national. Our reliability is measured by means of our commitment to delivering service with integrity and by honorable conduct. Because we are at the forefront of public service, we are judged on our choices and ratiocinations. Our reputation is based on the publics view of our commitment to estimable line of products pr actices and our respect for society. As an organization we aim to maintain active engagement in ethical port that promotes social right in everyday practices. This is where you come in as an employee.We encourage all employees to actively participate in connection go forthr each(prenominal) and events that foster both your own growth and the growth of social values. caller X entrust reward this activity if accompanied with ethical decision do by change magnitude promotion opportunities and/or allowing this experience to be counted in your job description. If you are interested in this opportunity, see Human Resources for a list of approved community outreach opportunities. association X Values It is the policy of political party X to embrace ethical behavior through clear communication of the laws, rules and expectations that are defined in this code of morality. In addition, Company X values accountability for good ethical choices and socially esteem behavior. We rely on every member to evaluate their own behavior and conduct respectable business through solid every day decision making. morality are not fixed, and subject to interpretation through each and every interaction between everyone involved. Because values and ethical decision making can be challenging, Company X wants to take some of the pressure off the complexities of making difficult ethical decisions.Therefore, this manual provides directives used to evaluate and interpret best practices in the business environment. In addition, these policies and all regulations including administrative actions, apply to all staffmembers, contractors, and volunteers and are strictly enforced (see section phallus Misconduct).The manual excessively contains fixed principles, mandatory pedagogy, resources for questionable situations, morality mentor, anonymous hotline, and resources for situations that whitethorn be questionable. A signed transcript of this manual go out be placed in all memb ers personnel institutionalise and entrust be used as reference for future use. Please be sure you envision these policies and procedures before you sign the document. We begin by outlining and defining the standards of social and ethical conduct. In addition to standards of behavior, training is outlined. Training is mandated to all staff employed by Company X. Additional training and resources are passing gameed passim the year in response to the changing needs of the industry and social issues and will be denote semi-annually.Principles of Behavior and Conduct No member, contractor or person acting as a exemplar shall Discriminate against clients, coworkers, stakeholders, Accept monetary compensation, services in trade or benefit from any interaction directly or indirectly related to the services provided by company x if the value is unconquerable to be at or above $30. Engage in, use or micturate an appearance of utilize official capacity to influence clients stakehold ers, or other members for personal or professional gain. Knowingly make statements or take action that is untruthful or can be reasonably determined to be untruthful. Engage either directly or indirectly in political campaigns, nor engage in political conversation with anyone while acting in capacity of Company X business. Retaliate against any member who comes forward with claims of ethical violations.Retaliation is mandatory termination of employment without further warning (see section genus Phallus Misconduct). all members contractors, or persons acting as a representative shall Report all incidents of violations to the moral philosophy Office. move and promote personal integrity, honesty, blondness and confidence in compliance with all laws, rules, policies and regulations both internally and externally. deem confidentiality in all interactions. Written, verbal, email, phone. Avoid inappropriate associations with clients or client representatives. Engage, actively encoura ge and support community involvement through support and reassurance in wrap-around service delivery. Utilize efficient use of resources in much(prenominal) a way that minimizes the impact to the environment (energy and materials). Report suspected, potential, or clear violation of ethicalmisconduct. each members in the chain of command are held to the same standards. Contractors, and any individual acting in a capacity to officially represent Company X are in addition required to carry out all actions with an intent to promote public trust, integrity, and confidence. From team members to corporate leaders, we expect the same set of principles through a set model of best practices. Best practices is recognized by intercommunicateing yourself is this decision firing to cause harm to someone, is this situation going away to violate law or company policy, is my action going to violate stakeholder values, or compromise my position deep down my job role? Best practices will second us all to remove some of the endangerments we might face in everyday decision making by communicating set values, social responsibility and ethical standards for all members. Because best practices is subjective, training and resources will be available to provide leadership and mentoring. We encourage open discussion when personal values and morals might cause conflict or confusion. As a condition of continued employment, mandatory moral philosophy training is provided and monitored (see monitoring ethics section below). ethics Training Leadership teams attend annual ethics training. Training includes skills to monitor and mentor lower staff. As a result, members can be confident that instruction is able to provide guidance and support for most ethical decisions. In govern to communicate Company Xs policies, values, and changing trends in legal and social ethical issues formal training is required. Company X models this by providing training. As a result, all staff are require d to complete the adjacent formal training In the head start month of employment, all staff will go through instructor led training targeted toward individual and group acknowledgement of legal situations, ethical dilemmas, social responsibility and reporting requirements. This interactive training will present scenarios in which employees will make decisions whether ethical violations whitethorn or may not demand occurred. Independent trainers with local management will evaluate answers and offer answers to difficult scenarios.All staff will take a yearly instructor led ground level on the history of civil rights and one follow up interactive on line manakin which presents current social, business and ethical issues in industry. General managers will receive value based ethics trainingtailored from annual risk assessment data. The goal is for managers to set modeled behavior and create positive influence. Company X sponsors an annual Industry Standards Town Hall meeting. We va lue transparency and company input from all of us and our intentions are to provide all of us the opportunity to go over changing social issues, our previous years successes and failures, and what can we do to support the values of Company X, our clients, and community partners. Our company will be closed on this day while each of us enjoy a paid day to come and participate in this interactive get together. Member Misconduct Company X recognizes ethical conduct is not always easy to define. We value fairness and strive to provide impartial judgment based on facts and data.All reports of violations are reviewed and judged by an case-by-case review board who will at determination of reported violations, determine consequences and refer cases for criminal quest if necessary. Consequences for violation of ethical misconduct will be strictly enforced. Company X has zero gross profit margin for unethical behavior. folksy and formal offenses will be forwarded to the Ethics Committee fo r record keeping purposes. Informal counsel for misconduct not related to any act of gross misconduct. This is the preferred method for first time offenses. Formal counsel is written report placed in member file for season of one year. Two written reports within one year that are found to be formalize through investigation will result either in unpaid suspension or adjacent termination. Unpaid suspension. Gross negligence results in immediate termination and will be referred for criminal prosecution.monitor size uping and Reporting Video monitoring in central locations where customer interactions will be supervised by an independent contractor. This is to protect you as an employee, protect customer interactions, and protect the interest of Company X. All information processing system and resource use by all employees is subject to monitoring and will be strictly enforced. IT managers have unlimited access to company owned property. Due to the potential time sensitive situation s that may arise, no notice will be given prior to IT management accessing company computers. Team members personnel files will be maintained and include reported violations. These files will be analyzed for trends that can be traced punt to departments, leaders, hiring practices, or substandard training. The Ethics Office, and Human Resources do not require your written consent for play out of information related to ethical violations. Semi-annual audits will be conducted on all departments within Company X by the Ethics Audit committee Anonymous hotline reports will be compiled and reported to the Ethics Audit committee.Plan for Evaluating and Improving the Ethics Program After Implementation. The final results of all data compiled by the Ethics Office will be submitted to Corporate Leadership Committee who will analyze the results in order to evaluate potential changes to Company Xs ethical inventory. Data will also be collected from hotline calls, imposed ethical violations, an d employee suggestions. This data will be measured against all complaints, judgments, and lawsuits both within Company X and the industry and be used to revise program standards. Data will also be analyzed and evaluated for ethical issues that need to be integrated in to future training and resources for staff.All staff will complete annual on line How Are We Doing? surveys. Focus groups tailored to each departments group dynamic will analyze the data and make formal recommendations to the Ethics Office Staff, community and stakeholder input will be collected and analyzed for social and ethical value. The Ethics Office will compile the results from all departments and present the evidence to CEOs and senior management. Middle management and supervisors will be included in the final findings. Training will be adjusted and targeted to cultural, legal, and ethical risk factors. Positive yearly ethical performance evaluations, focus group opportunities, and promotional opportunities wil l be bind to annual employee review.Help and ResourcesHere at Company X we recognize that some ethical situations may be complex or blurred. Additionally, we recognize that the difficult decision to come forward with information against coworkers may prevent reporting incidents that need investigation. Furthermore, ethical decisions are often confusing and require complex decision making. We are here to help. Furthermore, if you have questions about your own decisions, questions about an incident, or just want to ask questions, we want to support you. For this reason, we provide an anonymous phone line that allows members to report violations, present questions and trouble impinge on challenging scenarios. Ethics Office 360-555-1212 staffed by trained ethics officer. Anonymous hotline 360-555-4242 State Office of Ethics 1-999-555-2323 Federal Office of Ethics1-777-555-7878We provide annual reports of imposed ethics violations and the penalties imposed. Here is the link to www.comp anyx/ethics/reports.comI have read and understand the policies and ethical standards set for Company X. I am certain a signed copy of this policy will be placed in my team member personnel file.

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