
Monday, April 8, 2019

Greek Mythology and Athena Essay Example for Free

Greek Mythology and genus Athene Essay1. True myth is primarily interested witha. the divinitys b. wars c. heroes d. animals2. What does genus Athene offer to Athens in her contest with Poseidon? a. the knowledge of weaving b. the olive tree c. triumph in battle d. wisdom 3. What goddess does Iris usually serve?a. Athena b. Aphrodite c. Artemis d. Hera4. With what goddess is Hephaestus often associated through interoperable wisdom, arts and crafts, and the advance of civilization? a. Hera b. Artemis c. Athena d. Aphrodite5. Which goddess is not one of the three goddesses that Aphrodite was unable to overpower? a. Demeter b. Artemis c. Athena d. Hestia6. Why did germanium punish Uranus?a. He killed their children as soon as they were born. b. He refused to lie with Gaia when she came to him. c. He refused to allow their children to leave the womb of earth. d. He wanted Themis to take her mothers place. 7. What animal is Athena nearly closely identified with?a. the owl b. the dolph in c. the spider d. the lion8. Aphrodite Pandemos means which of the pursuit?a. Celestial Aphrodite b. ballpark Aphrodite c. Genital Aphrodite d. Lustful Aphrodite 9. What Trojan youth did Zeus carry off to become cupbearer of the gods? a. Hebe b. Ganymede c. Hector d. capital of France10. What does the word chthonic or cthonian mean?a. pertaining to the sea b. having to do with the earth c. related to the sky d. distinctive of the citadel 11. Who wrote the Theogony?a. Homer b. Hesiod c. Vergil d. Ovid12. Whom did Poseidon mate with in the form of a stallion?a. Demeter b. Medusa c. Amphitrite d. Scylla13. Who wrote the Prometheus Bound?a. Ovid b. Euripides c. Aeschylus d. Plato14. Which of the following is not an epithet of Athena?a. Pallas b. Glaukopis c. Metis d. Tritogeneia15. Who is the consort of Poseidon?a. Galatea b. Scylla c. Amphitrite d. Thetis16. Who is the hunter that caught Artemis bathing?a. Orion b. Arcas c. Actaeon d. Tityos17. Which best describes an aetiologic interpretation of myth? a. It attempts to see myth as a metaphor. b. It attempts to understand myth in legal injury of an underlying ritual. c. It attempts to see myth as a pre-scientific mode of explanation. d. It attempts to uncover the historical kernel tardily all myth. 18. In some versions of her birth, who is the mother of Aphrodite? a. Ge b. Hera c. Cybele d. Dione19. Who provide eventually rescue Prometheus from his sufferings? a. Heracles b. Perseus c. Zeus d. Achilles20. What god gave Theseus three curses?a. Zeus b. Apollo c. Proteus d. Poseidon21. What is the name of the guardian that was set over Io?a. Charon b. Cerberus c. Hermes d. Argus22. Who wrote the Hippolytus?a. Sophocles b. Euripides c. Aeschylus d. Seneca23. Who at times appears as the particular servant of Hera? a. Hermes b. Hestia c. Iris d. Diana24. What is the name of the Graces, who attend Aphrodite?a. the Horae b. the Moirae c. the Charites d. the Graeae25. What did Artemis promise Hippolytus as he la y dying?a. She will raise him from the dead. b. She will grant him a place in Elysium. c. She will punish a favorite of Aphrodite. d. She will punish Theseus for his curse. 26. What goddesses does Hesiod invoke at the beginning of the Theogony? a. the Fates b. the Graces c. the Muses d. the Sirens27. With whom does Athena appoint her function as a deity of war? a. Apollo b. Hephaestus c. Ares d. Mercury28. What is the hallmark of the Greek conception of the Olympians? a. animism b. theriomorphism c. anthropomorphism d. monotheism 29. Who is the mother of Zeus?a. Ge b. Rhea c. Gaea d. Cybele30. What is the most distinguishing feature of the Greek gods? a. omniscience b. omnipotence c. immortality d. physical height Part II Short Answer (2 points each)31. What is the Roman name of Poseidon?32. What is the Greek term that means a sacred marriage?33. Who is Theseus father in the Hippolytus?34. Who was the sculptor who created a statue that came to life? 35. What is the Roman name for Athena?36. What does the Greek word mythos mean?37. Together with what creature is Scylla usually mentioned? 38. What does Pandoras name mean?39. To what force may Zeus himself be subject?40. Who is the mother of the Muses?Part III Essay (20 points)Write an taste on one of the questions listed below. Be sure to make direct reference to primary sources (i.e. passages included in the text of superannuated authors) to rear your statements with the exception of the textbook, do not base your discussion on any other secondary sources. The essay must be 200-250 words in length. When referring to primary sources, include the following (1) page number of textbook on which passage occurs, (2) name of the ancient author, (3)title of ancient work from which passage is taken, (4) location within ancient work in which passage occurs. (a)Discuss Zeus . Include within your discussion an designation of his attributes and the myths associated with him. What do the myths communicate about his character and qualities? or(b) Discuss Athena . Include within your discussion an identification of her attributes and the myths associated with her. What do the myths communicate about her character and qualities?

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