
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Image of nursing Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Image of nursing - Annotated Bibliography ExampleThe article analyses germane(predicate) literature published between 1980 and 2011 with an attempt to understand the situation of nursing image. According to the media, nursing trading has suffered from invincibility and poor communication since majority of nurses have been women lacking effective communication skills with the media. Nursing is seen to be a fe anthropoid job suffering from gender issues, thus it is difficult to recommend to a male student the profession. Nursing profession organizations have attempted to shape the image of nursing through writ of execution of ethics and codes of conduct as governing principles to the profession, nevertheless, this has not been efficient in ensuring sufficient resource allocation, honorarium and prevention of violence against the nurses. The unsatisfactory image of nursing has been a leading factor in number one staff recruitment, shortage in nurses, and lack of public trust in nur ses as well as job dissatisfaction among the nurses. However, well-coordinated mechanisms for improving nursing image are projected to be crucial for improvement of the nurses lieu towards performance, as well as increasing public trust on

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