
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Article Title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Title - Essay ExampleThe condition reveals three separate research studies conducted to track the origins of cancer cells in the brain, gut and skin using catching markers as labels. The studies conducted by Luis Parada and Hans Clevers on brain and gut cancers respectively used genetic labels to mark good for you(p) adult base of operations cells which had the potential to develop into tumors and analyzed whether the newly formed cancer cells contained the same labels as their predecessors. In the experiment conducted by Parada on glioblastoma, the tumors also contained some unlabelled cells which had also originated from the labeled cells which relapsed hobby chemotherapy. However, when the labeled cells were targeted using chemotherapy the glioblastoma underwent significant shrinkage. Clevers and his team used drug-inducible genetic markers which when activated caused the cells carrying the marker to glow in one of the four colors. When a second dose of the drug was injected the initially fluorescing cells gave rise to a new set of cells that fluoresced with a different color thus supporting the hypothesis that cancer stem cells give rise to new tumor cells. In the experiment involving the skin tumor conducted by Cedric Blanpain, individualistic tumor cells were labeled and when tracked these either gave rise to a small cell lineage beforehand diminishing or continued to produce more cells. Thus the study provided a strong experimental evidence for the existence of cancer stem cells and further research involved relating these tracked cells with those of the putative cells which welcome been found from transplantation studies.The photosynthetic ability of aphids using the carotenoid pigment which they synthesize is explored in the Nature article, Photosynthesis-like border found in insects. Aphids and another possible creature namely the two-spotted

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