Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Implications Of Internet Surveillance On Today s Society
Marcus Howard Prof Jeff Hotz ENG 203 21 September 2015 The Implications of Internet Surveillance on Today’s Society Bruce Schneier’s CNN article, â€Å"The Internet is a Surveillance State,†published on on March 16, 2013 makes the case that there are times in which we do need the Internet to be a surveillance state. Schneier constructs a convincing case that by using the Internet, our privacy is given up without a fight. There are many implications that Internet surveillance has on our society, be it positive or negative. Nonetheless, there is a need for strong policies to exist to limit outright violations of privacy. In current American society, the concept of data collection and monitoring is ever-present, leading one to agree that we live in a surveillance society. Tamara Dinev’s article, Internet Users’ Beliefs about Government Surveillance – The Role of Social Awareness and Internet Literacy, defines internet surveillance as: â€Å"Historically, the concept of surveillance is often associated with activities carried out by government agencies. However, the identification, collection, ordering, and categorization of personal information carried out by marketers in the private sector can also be regarded as surveillance†(275). Dinev explains the use of internet surveillance from tasks such as acquiring knowledge about consumer preferences for commercial purposes to prevention of crime and terrorist activities. Dinev also asserts that, â€Å"The prevalence of monitoring andShow MoreRelatedThe Value of Digital Privacy in the Information Technology Age1283 Words  |  5 Pagesensuring the security of nations and enterprises on the one hand and the need for protecting the privacy of individuals on the other, are creating a myriad of conflicts regarding ethics, laws and personal rights. Never before in the history of modern society has there been such a strong emphasis on capturing, analyzing, categorizing and using personal data that had been highly protected in the past for purposes of securing nations (Ottensmeyer, Heroux, 1991). Correspondingly, there has never been a timeRead MoreCensorship Filters The Media Within The World1574 Words  | 7 Pagesfree expressions of men and women like a shadow throughout history. Censorship is a way to filter the media in the world by suppressing unacceptable viewings or hearings by not showing, bleeping out, and covering the distasteful parts. 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